Cool Strategies For Parents



 Parenting is not an easy job. We know every child has different qualities in his personality. As a parent we should understand their needs and deal them accordingly. Sharing some cool activities with you to see how we can handle our child in nice environments and safe ourselves from the frustration.

i:     Every child is Unique

  1. Set aside time to spend with each child. It can be for just 20 minutes, or longer it’s up to us. To get more benefits It can be at the same time each day so children or teenagers can look forward to it.
  2. Talk about something they like: sports, music, celebrities, friends.
  3. Exercise together to their favorite music. 
  4. Set a family time by switching off the TV and phone.
  5. Go for a walk may be outdoors or around the home.
  6. Help them with their school work.
  7. Play some board or card games.
  8. Book discussion for younger read a book or look at pictures.
  9. Do a house chore together like cleaning and cooking
  10. Create a planner for a week or a day. 

ii:      Positive attitude

  1. Say the behavior you want to see in your child. Use positive words when telling your child what to do; like ‘Please put your clothes away’ (instead of Don’t make a mess)
  2. Get your child’s attention by using their name. Shouting at your child will just make you and them more stressed and angrier Speak in a calm voice because it’s all in the delivery.
  3. Always try to see their needs. Can your child actually do what you are asking them? It is very hard for a child to keep quiet inside for a long time but maybe they can keep quiet for 15 minutes while you are on a call. Be realistic

iii:        Creating a Structure:

  1. Help your child to know about keeping safe distances. If your country allows get your children outside. You can also write letters and draw pictures to share with people. Put them up outside your home for others to see. You can reassure your child by talking about how you are keeping safe.
  2. Listen to their suggestions and take them seriously.
  3. Be a role model for your child. If you practice keeping safe distances and hygiene yourself, and treat others with compassion, especially those who are sick or vulnerable.Always remember  your children and teenagers will learn from you.

iv:       Handling a Bad Behavior:

  1. Catch bad behavior early and redirect your kid s’ attention from a bad to a good behavior.
  2. Stop it before it starts. When they start to get restless, you can distract with something interesting or fun: “Come, let’s go outside for a walk.”
  3. Consequences help teach our children responsibility for what they do. They also allow discipline that is controlled. This is more effective than hitting or shouting. Give your child a choice to follow your instruction before giving them the consequence. Try to stay calm when giving the consequence. Make sure you can follow through with the consequence. For example, taking away a teenager’s phone for a week is hard to enforce. Taking it away for one hour is more realistic. Once the consequence is over, give your child a chance to do something good, and praise them for it.

v:       Manage your Stress:

  1. You are not alone. Millions of people have the same fears as us. Find someone who you can talk to about how you are feeling. Listen to them. Avoid social media that makes you feel panicked.
  2. We all need a break sometimes. When your children are asleep do something fun or relaxing for yourself.
  3. Make a list of healthy activities that you like to do. You deserve it. Take a break or a pause is very important for your healthy and happy life.


vi:      Strong Relationship:

  1. Strong relationship is always very helpful to having a confident child around you.
  2. Allow your child to talk freely. Ask them open questions and find out how much they already know.
  3. Always listen them carefully and answer their questions truthfully. Think about how old your child is and how much they can understand.
  4. Your child may be scared or confused. Give them space to share how they are feeling and let them know you are there for them.


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